Monday, March 17, 2008

In the Beginning...

...there was a 0.9 accuracy rate.

And then the rubbish got weeded out from the even more rubbish. This resulted in us getting jobs. Speaks volumes I know, however bear with us for a while, and you'll begin to see why we stay...or not?!

Entertainment has never been this cheap. Literally and figuratively.

Step 1, get a google account
Step 2, use the labels logically, otherwise it becomes pointless. Was thinking about this one, basically we have issues of logic, general lols, spelling, grammar, the genius that is, and how did you get to university zOMG moments? Does that cover the full spectrum of just about anything one of Ours can throw at us?

Once this thing is up and running, all views pertaining to the superior intelligence of the human species might be rendered inadmissible. We have proof to the contrary. Lots of it.


Ilse said...

I'm new at this. How does one use these lables. Do they already exist, and if yes, where?

rah* said...

the labels are the thingies at the bottom of a post to categorise the types of posts you have, for eg if you only wanted to read the spelling and grammar posts then you click on spelling and grammar in the labels and all posts tagged with that label will come up. Like a filing system, so it's counter-productive to have too many labels for the same sorta themes, I'll add the basics in and if we need more we can add more in.