Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Legacy of Karl Marx

Students had to paraphrase a short passage on Karl Marx. Some of their sentences make no sense whatsoever, while some students prove to be very creative by making up words as they go along:

“Karl Marx contributed towards understanding Christianship [sometimes referred to as Christianality]. Religion can refer to ‘the opium of the people’ [sometimes referred to as the opinion of the people]. He believed that promising Christian ideals were used to proletariat.” (Whatever he means by that…)

“His seeing was part responsible for the understanding of Christian faith.” (This one obviously read Das Kapital)

“Karl Marx attributed towards the undergoing of faith in Christianity”

“To be over critical and judgive and prejudive”

“A piece was wrote on Christianity”

When asked to explain where the term “scapegoat” came from, one student wrote:
“On one goat all the sins were thrown and the other goat were offered to God.”


rah* said...

LOL I'm starting to think we need to add in a label for 'The African Elephant', 'Genetically modified foods' and 'one-sixes'...poor students would be out of their depth in a cup of water.

Libra said...

More Karl Marx:

"Karl Marx believed that people wanted to keep people who work on earth [as opposed to extra terrestrials???] happy so the christian came up with the heavenly bliss theory. He went further to prove how economics influences various societal functions, political function etc., he was a strong believer that Classless society would come to rule over other societies. This judgments overcasted previous Capitalist power. The battle between capitalist and socialist states is still a battle (ongoing)."

Ilse said...

And this creature got to university HOW? I am now convinced - mankind is dammed.

Libra said...

"Historical derivation of 'scapegoat' is the former scape from "escape" and add goat to it."